maanantai 29. tammikuuta 2018

Actors of the new series

Ninth Doctor was played by Christopher Eccleston. He played the Doctor only for one season, the first season of the new series. The Ninth Doctor's companion were Rose Tyler played by Billie Piper.

Christopher Eccleston 

Tenth Doctor was played by David Tennant. He was the Doctor four seasons. 10th Doctor's companions were Rose Tyler, then he had Martha Jones played by Freema Agyeman and after her came Donna Noble played by Catherine Tate. I think, David Tennant was one of the best actors of the Doctor Who's history.

David Tennant

Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) with the 10th Doctor.

Eleventh Doctor  was played by Matt Smith and I think he was one of the best actors too. He played the Doctor three seasons and the eleventh Doctor's companions were Amy Pond (Karen Gillan), Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) and Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman). He also got married with River Song (Alex Kingstong).

Matt Smith

Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) with the eleventh Doctor.

Twelft Doctor were played by Peter Capaldi. He was the Doctor also three seasons. Twelft Doctor's companions were Clara Oswald, Nardole (Matt Lucas) and Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie).

Peter Capaldi
Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) with the 12th Doctor.

Thirteenth Doctor will be played by Jodie Whittaker. Her first appearance will be on the next christmas special episode.

Jodie Whittaker

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