maanantai 29. tammikuuta 2018


And all of the pictures are from Pinterest.


The Doctor's friends and enemys

The Doctor never travels alone. He has always from one to three companions with him. The companions job is teach for him sympathty and help him. Because the Doctor has been a man everytime before this year, the companion has been mostly a woman.

I think the best companions are Rose Tyler, Amy Pond and the Doctor's wife River Song. I think from the whole show River Song is the best character because there is just so brilliant plot around her and the Doctor's story.

Enemys are also in very crucial part of the show, of course. The Doctor's worst enemy are absolutely Daleks, but there is also for exempel Cybermans, Sontaran, the Silence and Weeping Angels.

Weeping Angel

Couple of Daleks

Shortly the Daleks, Cybermans and Sontaran are soldier species. The Silence is religious motion which wanted to kill the Doctor. Weeping Angels are stone statues when you look at them but when you look away, even if you blink, they try to catch you.

Idea of Doctor Who

Doctor Who is a science fiction programme and it's all about travelling in time and space and saveing the Earth or the Universe from different kind of threats.

The Doctor's species is a Time Lord and he is last of his kind. He is over 900 years old, he has two hearts and he always travels with a companion. The companion is usually a human.

When the Doctor dies, he can regenerate himself. Then he gets a new body and a new face. That is the way how the whole programme can continue naturally and the leading actor can be changed easilly. Usually the same actor plays the Doctor about three seasons.
A Time Lord can regenerate him/herself to a woman or to a man. In fact for the first time the Doctor will be a woman in 11th season.

The Doctor's name is a secret and that is why the name of the show is Doctor Who. No one knows his name exept  Doctor and his wife River Song.

Tardis is the Doctor's timemachine. The name Tardis comes from the words Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. The Tardis looks like an old British police box and it's bigger on the inside than the outside.
Tardis from the outside

Tardis from the indside

Actors of the new series

Ninth Doctor was played by Christopher Eccleston. He played the Doctor only for one season, the first season of the new series. The Ninth Doctor's companion were Rose Tyler played by Billie Piper.

Christopher Eccleston 

Tenth Doctor was played by David Tennant. He was the Doctor four seasons. 10th Doctor's companions were Rose Tyler, then he had Martha Jones played by Freema Agyeman and after her came Donna Noble played by Catherine Tate. I think, David Tennant was one of the best actors of the Doctor Who's history.

David Tennant

Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) with the 10th Doctor.

Eleventh Doctor  was played by Matt Smith and I think he was one of the best actors too. He played the Doctor three seasons and the eleventh Doctor's companions were Amy Pond (Karen Gillan), Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) and Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman). He also got married with River Song (Alex Kingstong).

Matt Smith

Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) with the eleventh Doctor.

Twelft Doctor were played by Peter Capaldi. He was the Doctor also three seasons. Twelft Doctor's companions were Clara Oswald, Nardole (Matt Lucas) and Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie).

Peter Capaldi
Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) with the 12th Doctor.

Thirteenth Doctor will be played by Jodie Whittaker. Her first appearance will be on the next christmas special episode.

Jodie Whittaker

Information of the series

Original series

Doctor Who has run in television longer than any other science fiction programme.
Original series of Doctor Who were showed from 1963 to 1989. The original series included twenty six seasons. BBC destroyed most of the original episodes from the 1960 to 1970 centurys.

There is also made two movies based on the first episodes where the Doctor met one of his worst enemys, Daleks.

Reform series 

The reform series started to run on TV in 2005. Now there is 10 seasons made and showed in TV and the 11th season is filmed at the moment.

Doctor Who is worldwide known and watched series so it's not only popular in Britain. There is also a lot of fanclubs, fanpages, fanfiction storys and fan art.
